Top 4 Summer Sno-Cone Recipes

Sno-Cone Recipes

Top 4 Summer Sno-Cone Recipes

Category : Recipe

Did you know you can enjoy Jell-Craft Sno-Cone Syrups in other ways than just pouring it over shaved ice? On Jell-Craft’s website, there is a tab called “Recipes” on the top right-hand side with several different ways you can use Jell-Craft products punch, lemonade, margarita concentrates and sno-cone syrups, but this post is focusing in on the four top summer recipes using Jell-Craft’s sno-cone syrups.

1. Sno-Cone Blue Water (Sonic’s® Copycat Ocean® Water)

-12 oz of Sprite
– 2 oz of Jell-Craft Blue Coconut Sno-Cone Syrup
*Need to buy Jell-Craft Snow Cone Syrup? Go Here!

1. Pour 12oz of Sprite soda in a cup
2. Add 2 oz of a Jell-Craft Blue Coconut Sno-Cone Syrup
3. Stick a straw in and enjoy!
*These ratios can be modified according to likin

2. Sno-Cone Popsicles

Ingredients:– 1 part Jell-Craft Sno-Cone Syrup
– 3 parts Water
– Popsicle Mold
*Need to buy Jell-Craft Snow Cone Syrup? Go Here!

1. Mix 1 part snow cone syrup to 3 parts water
2. Pour into popsicle mold and place into the freezer until frozen
3. Once frozen, enjoy a sweet treat, and be ready to dance because it’s so tasty! Just like this sweet girl in the video below!

3. Sno-Cone Ice Cream Float  

Here’s a fun backstory to this recipe. The current owner’s grandson came up with this recipe! He had the idea when drinking an ice cream float and tried it out! It is delicious!

– 1 scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream
– 8oz of your favorite Soda
– 1 oz of Sno-Cone Syrup that would pair well with Ice Cream and your Soda
(Our Snow Cone Syrup recommendations: Cherry, Strawberry, Grape, Root Beer, Lime, Coconut, Vanilla or Wedding Cake)
*Need to buy Jell-Craft Snow Cone Syrup? Go Here!

1. Pour 8 oz. of soda in a cup
2. Add 1 oz. of a delicious Jell-Craft Sno-Cone Syrup
3. Place a scoop of ice cream in a cup
4. Stick a straw in and enjoy!
*These ratios can be modified according to liking

4. Ice Cream Topper

– Grab your favorite Jell-Craft sno-cone flavor that would pair well with ice cream
– Ice cream of your choice
*Need to buy Jell-Craft Snow Cone Syrup? Go Here!

1. Scoop your ice cream into a bowl
2. Pour 2-4 tablespoons or 2-4 squirts if using on of Jell-Craft’s quart bottles of sno-cone syrup over the ice cream
4. Now you have a delicious treat! Feel free to add whipped cream or any other delicious ice cream toppings!

Let us know below which recipe you plan to try first!


Retail orders can be placed online! Click here for a list of online suppliers

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What others are saying…

  • I love sno-cones just like anyone else lol..I bought a small sno-cone maker for my kids at Walmart..well they had all kinds of different syrups there..except Coconut!!! Thank goodness I found it on here..and I’m more of a clear Coconut fan..but I have to say this one is good too and the price isn’t too much either!!! Naomi Riggs
    Amazon customer
